B-W Dairy Goat Replacer Products
- Serval Kid-O Dairy Kid Milk Replacer
- Serval Kid-O 5.5 Dairy Kid Milk Replacer
- Grober Kid Gro Milk Replacer (skid lot)
- Grober Kid Gro A+ Acidified Milk Replacer (skid lot)
- Grober Caprilait Dairy Kid Milk Replacer (skid lot)
- Mapleview Capri Kid Start 22-22-25 (skid lot)
- Mapleview Kid Start 22-22-22 (skid lot)
B-W Dairy Goat Starter Products
- 24% Kid Starter
- 20% Performance Starter
- 21% Doeling Developer
- 15% Buck Grower
B-W Dairy Goat Lactating Products
- Excel Dairy Goat Ration
- PMR Dairy Goat Ration
- Custom pellets available
Best Management Practices for Doelings
First 24 Hours of Life
- Use a clean/disinfected box for each kid
- Birthdate and ID on box
- Keep all doelings in a dry, well bedded, warm and draft free environment
- All rooms should be kept at a minimum of 18 °C
- First Feeding
- Pasteurized goat or cow colostrum. 200cc within 30 minutes of birth, 3 times within a 24 hour period. OR:
- Commercial colostrum. 200cc within 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times per day (40-50 grams of powder to 150cc of warm water).
- Iodine naval and tagging sites
- Administer 1cc of Stockmans Choice ® (oral) probiotic
- Tag, weigh, and record name of doe and buck
Days 2 to 4
- Move doelings to group pens (3-5 per pen)
- Separate boots and gloves in kid raising areas to maintain biosecurity
- Feed 300 mL whole milk or milk replacer, 3 times per day for each doeling
- Milk replacer: Mix 150g with 850mL water at 50-60°C
- Cleanliness of bottles and pails is imperative
- Monitor group feedings to ensure each doeling is aggressively feeding
Day 5 to 7 Weeks
- Doelings grouped and fed milk or milk replacer at 1500 – 2000 mL/h/d divided into 3 feedings
- Deccox®-M or Amprol® can be added to milk or milk replacer to ensure early control of coccidiosis
- Provide clean and fresh water from an easy access water bowl
- Introduce 24% BIG Starter at 7 to 14 days
- Feed free choice small amounts to avoid wasting and keep feed fresh
- Offer small amounts of good quality hay
- Dehorn kids at 9 days of age
- Wean at approximately 7 weeks of age and 13kgs body weight
- Feed Aureo S 700® Crumbles at 10 g/h/d for 7 days pre and post weaning to help manage coccidiosis
Weaning to 4 Months
- Continue to feed 24% BIG Starter at 500g/h/d
- Limiting to 500g encourages forage intake and rumen development
- Provide quality 1st or 2nd cut hay
4 Months to 4 Weeks Pre-Kidding
- Begin to feed 21% Doeling developer
- Restrict to 500 g/h/d fed in 2 feedings daily
- Ensure all doelings can access feed bunk as pellets are being limited fed
- Provide free choice salt
- Target doelings to be bred at 7 to 9 months of age at a minimum body weight of 35kg
- Well grown doelings at breeding age will milk better and stay in the herd longer
- Monitor body condition to ensure against over conditioning
- B-W Developer Products
- BW 21% Doeling Developer
- BW 16% Doeling Developer
4 Weeks Prior to Kidding
- Change to BW Ruminate Dry pellets fed at 500 g/h/d with a low potassium hay
- 7 days pre kidding, feed 200g of BW Lactating pellet in addition to the 500g BW Ruminate Dry pellet
- Will ease the transition into the milking diet post kidding
- Dry matter intake will decline during this period (fetus is crowding the rumen)
- Adequate bunk space, good quality forages, and fresh, clean, & warmed (22-25°C) water are all critical to encourage feed intakes
- Nutrient requirement increase significantly in the 3 to 4 weeks prior to kidding due to fetal demands
Best Management Practices for Milking Goats
Controlled Feed – Feeding Program
- “Controlled feed” refers to controlled or limited rates of BW Excel Pellet and higher forage intakes
- Ensure all doelings can access feed bunk
- Minimum of 12 inches bunk space/head
- Controlled Feed
- 0 to 50 DIM, control feed:
- BW Excel Pellet 14-18% protein at 1.2-1.6 kg/h/d
- 200 g/h/d BW Transition Supplement
- Free choice forage
- 50 DIM to pregnancy, control feed:
- BW Excel Pellet
- Free choice forage
- Pregnancy to Dry Off, control feed:
- BW Excel Dairy Pellet
- Free choice salt and buffer
- *Over conditioned pregnant goats can lead to pregnancy toxemia and other metabolic issues around kidding through to lactation*
- When feeding Corn Silage, Haylage, or Balage; ensure feed is mould free
- Clean feed bunks daily
- If using TMR mixer, ensure the theoretical forage cut length is 1-2 inches
- This can be monitored using a Penn State Particle Separator Box
- Palm fat can be added at 20-30 g/h/d to promote higher butter fat production
Facility Management and Care for Adult Dairy Goats
- Clean and dry pens
- 16 ft2 of pen space per goat
- Well ventilated barn with good air exchange
- Good quality clean drinking water heated to 22-25 °C to encourage water intake
- Clean water bowls and troughs daily
- 1 water bowl per 25 goats or water trough 1.5 inches per goat
- Free choice salt and buffer to milking goats
Close-up Dry Goats/Doelings
(Appx. 4 weeks to kidding)
- Feed 500 g/h/day BW Ruminate Dry Ration
- Feed good quality, low potassium hay
- High grass content better than alfalfa
- Straw may be added to bunk if needed for transitioning to straw milking diet
- 7 days pre kidding, feed 200g BW Lactating Dairy Pellet in addition to the 500g BW Ruminate Dry Ration to ease transition to diet post kidding
- *Consult your veterinarian about Selenium pre kidding*
Full Feed – Feeding Programs
- “Full feed” refers to free choice BW Lactating Pellet and free choice forage
- Goats typically eat up to 2.5 kg/h/d of pellets
- Higher fiber levels from digestible and palatable sources help prevent acidosis due to higher intakes
Full Feed PMR & Straw
- 0 to 50 days in milk (DIM), full feed:
- 18% PMR Dairy Ration at 2.5 kg/h/d
- 200 g/h/d BW Transition Supplement and
- Free choice straw
- 50 DIM to Pregnancy, full feed:
- PMR Dairy Ration
- Free choice straw
- Pregnancy to Dry Off, limit feed bred does:
- 2 kg/h/d BW PMR Pellet based on body condition
- Free choice salt and buffer
- *Over conditioned pregnant goats can lead to pregnancy toxemia and other metabolic issues around kidding through to lactation*
Full Feed PMR & Hay/Balage
Selection of BW PMR Pellet protein level is dependent on forage quality. Consult your BW representative to determine best feed for your situation.
- 0 to 50 DIM, full feed:
- 14% to 18% BW PMR Pellet at 1.6 – 2.0 kg/h/d
- 200 g/h/d BW Transition Supplement and
- Free choice hay/balage
- 50 DIM to Pregnancy, full feed:
- PMR Dairy Ration
- Free choice hay/balage
- Pregnancy to Dry Off, limit feed bred does:
- 2 kg/h/d of PMR Dairy Ration based on body condition
- Free choice salt and buffer
- *Over conditioned pregnant goats can lead to pregnancy toxemia and other metabolic issues around kidding through to lactation*
Custom Rations
- Feed analyzed for composition and toxins
- Top quality forages fed to all milking goats
- Supplement or ration formulated to suit your goats and on farm needs
- 0-50 DIM, goats should be fed 200 g/h/d BW Transition Fresh Supplement